noch heiterer kann der Himmel gar nicht sein, aus dem mein Compi plötzlich von iCloud ausgeschlossen wird.
Nach einem Neustart kommt (seit gestern) die Meldung, dass dieser Computer nicht für iCloud konfiguriert werden kann.
Wenn ich in den Systemeinstellungen nachgucken will, heisst es nach aufrufen der iCloud - Einstellung:
“Fehler in den Systemeinstellungen
Die Systemeinstellung „iCloud“ konnte nicht geladen werden.”
Schau mal im Programm «Konsole» (/Applications/Utilities/ nach, was dort vermerkt wird wenn du die nicht-funktionierende iCloud Systemeinstellung zu öffnen versuchst — vielleicht hilft uns das weiter und leitet uns auf einen möglichen Lösungsweg.
31.01.16 14:10:46.558 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescription=peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:10:46.560 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer 31.01.16 14:11:01.736 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescripti bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:11:01.737 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer 31.01.16 14:11:19.386 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescripti bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:11:19.387 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer
31.01.16 14:11:19.547 System Preferences[611]: +[NSXPCSharedListener endpointForListenerWithMessage:fromConnection:withListenerName:] timed out awaiting reply. Did the service fail to bootstrap itself? Is the system absurdly loaded? 31.01.16 14:11:19.547 System Preferences[611]: ### advanceToConfigPhaseIfNeeded error :Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=4099 “could not obtain endpoint for; look for logging from service, launchd, taskgated, etc.” UserInfo={NSDebugDescripti not obtain endpoint for; look for logging from service, launchd, taskgated, etc.}
31.01.16 14:11:19.548 System Preferences[611]: ### willSelect/willBecomeActive exception:NSCocoaErrorDomain 31.01.16 14:11:34.398 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescripti bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:11:34.399 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer
31.01.16 14:11:37.177 sandboxd[145]: ([422]) SpotlightNetHelp(422) deny file-read-data /Users/marcfrey/Library/Preferences/
31.01.16 14:11:37.995[638]: <<<< MediaValidator >>>> mv_TestCodecSupportUsingDecoders: Unrecognized codec 1
31.01.16 14:11:37.995[638]: <<<< MediaValidator >>>> mv_ValidateRFC4281CodecId: Unrecognized codec 1.(null). Failed codec specific check.
31.01.16 14:11:37.995[638]: <<<< MediaValidator >>>> mv_LookupCodecSupport: Unrecognized codec 1
31.01.16 14:11:37.995[638]: [14:11:37.995] mv_LowLevelCheckIfVideoPlayableUsingDecoder signalled err=-12956 (kFigMediaValidatorError_VideoCodecNotSupported) (video codec 1) at line 1921
31.01.16 14:11:37.995[638]: <<<< MediaValidator >>>> mv_TestCodecSupportUsingDecoders: Unrecognized codec 1
31.01.16 14:11:49.000 syslogd[50]: ASL Sender Statistics
31.01.16 14:11:49.409 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescription=peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:11:49.410 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer 31.01.16 14:12:04.421 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescripti bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:12:04.421 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer
31.01.16 14:12:14.792 CalendarAgent[403]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].] 31.01.16 14:12:19.431 secd[373]: __SOSCCProcessSyncWithAllPeers_Server_block_invoke sync with all peers failed: Error Code=1032 “peer: bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found” UserInfo={NSDescripti bd7s0eWXeOO1srEf6HkR48QbYD not found}
31.01.16 14:12:19.432 CloudKeychainProxy[446]: __39-[UbiqitousKVSProxy doSyncWithAllPeers]_block_invoke_2 <UB–s–C—> syncWithAllPeers (null), rescheduling timer
31.01.16 14:12:22.039 CalendarAgent[403]: [] [Refusing to parse response to PROPPATCH because of content-type: [text/html; charset=UTF-8].]
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